Joni Keim
non-fiction author
Daily Aromatherapy
Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils
by Joni Keim and Ruah Bull

371 pages
Daily Aromatherapy is based on the principles of subtle aromatherapy and is organized by the four, annual seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. 365 daily intention exercises are offered using nature's aromas and their positive, transformative qualities. The action of the essential oils can shift your state of mind and help you achieve a sense of well-being in your body, mind, heart, and spirit.
Fifty-two essential oils are explored by way of affirmations, emotional self-discovery, ceremonies, blessings, activities, visualization, and prayers.
The book can be used in a variety of ways. You may choose to use it on a daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis or for special occasions. You may also choose to simply explore your favorite essential oils and get to know them better. You may choose to focus on transforming an aspect of your life. Whatever way you choose, we hope you experience the blessings of essential oils as they guide you through the seasons of your life.
This 2nd edition of Daily Aromatherapy has two major changes in it. 1) The appendix, “Essential Oils and Associated Archangels,” has been removed because it is now its own book, Angels & Aromas. 2) A new appendix has been added: “Using Essential Oils with Spiritual Principles and Practice.”
"Daily Aromatherapy provides a powerful way to experience our deeper self and invite the seeds of change. With the backdrop of time, we weave our way through affirmation, visualizations, blessings, and ceremonies as the essential oils awaken our inner guidance where authenticity alone lies. What a wonderful way to transform our lives--by taking the steps to wholeness, one day at a time!"
--Brenda Hinton, Integrative Wellness Coach
Author's Note:
I met Ruah Bull, my co-author for this book, while researching subtle energy and energy healing for a magazine article I was writing. By the time the article was published, Ruah and I had become trusted colleagues as well as friends. Ruah and I wrote 3 books together. This book, Daily Aromatherapy, was the third and final--completing a trilogy. It was published in 2008. In 2018, Brazil obtained foreign rights, and it was published in Portuguese.